Jul 22, 2011

The Best Way to Get Six Pack Abs

Executive summary about six pack abs by Rusty Moore

The answer is six pack abs. If a person has defined abs, that person is usually considered to be in exceptional shape.

Will Working the Core Muscles Give You Great Abs : Personal trainers have people doing all sorts of crazy exercises on exercise balls which supposedly forces the body to stabilize itself using "core muscles." Focusing on the core muscles supposedly tones the abs to achieve a six pack abs. People also use machines in their quest for six pack abs. Some people recommend working the abs every day or every other day.

Learn from Someone Who Has Six Pack Abs : I wanted to look great in a swimsuit and have firm six pack abs. A crazy thing happened...I had amazing six pack abs in time for my vacation and I didn't do one ab exercise for 8 months!

My Approach to Getting Six Pack Abs : I am convinced that having six pack abs showing is 95% about your body fat percentage and maybe 5% or less about working the abs. You want nice abs?

Awesome Tips For Developing A Set Of Ripped 6 Pack Abs

Executive summary about six pack abs by Maureen Kurman

Watch your sodium intake. Sodium will add water retention to the abdominal region very fast. Reducing your sodium intake is a very effective way to look leaner.

Keep in mind though, that you are not turning your weight lifting workout into a circuit workout. Take some time off from cardio workouts. Your body may actually retain water from doing too much cardio. Drop your carbs. This will act a lot like dropping your sodium level. Reducing your carbs will help your body to get rid of water weight almost instantly. Right off the bat, this will get rid of water weight, but later it will also assist you in fat loss.

Stay Healthy

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